Ariel Costa
1975, Santa Fe, Argentina.
My name is Ariel Costa. I was born in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina. I am the third of four siblings. My first memory is of a dog crossing the street and being hit by a bus. I was with my father, who picked it up and carried it to the opposite side of the sidewalk. I believe I was 2 years old. At 3, we moved to Villa Angela, Chaco, the city where I grew up. My parents did theater. As a teenager, I helped with the sets and sound. My father plays the piano, and there was always a lot of music in my house. Our home was located in a neighborhood on the edge of the city. A bit further out, there were low forests and a large yard.
My maternal grandparents lived in Santa Fe. We visited them every summer. In their bedroom, they had a chair on each side of the bed, each with a stack of magazines. El Toni, Dartagnian, Intervalo. I had other comics in my room, and now I have more.
In 1993, I moved to Rosario to study Fine Arts. I participated in lithography and offset workshops at the Musto school and also took clinics and workshops with different artists. I also studied for several years at the provincial music school and the university of music. In reality, I like songs. I wanted to be like Spinetta or Silvio Rodríguez, but I was very shy about singing for others. Right now, I am trying something in this regard.
I have exhibited in Rosario and other cities. Together with other artists, I managed Oficina26, which was both a studio and a space for exhibitions and art-related events.
Ariel Costa was born in Santa Fe but grew up in Villa Ángela, Chaco. He later moved to Rosario, where he studied Fine Arts and Psychology at UNR, a city where he has lived ever since. During his training, he completed the “Professionalization of Artists” seminar organized by La Herrmana Favorita (Rosario, 2010) and the “Production Workshop” led by Fabiana Imola and Leandro Comba (Rosario, 2004). He also participated in an artwork clinic with the artist Alicia Herrera (Rosario, 2005) and took lithography and offset workshops at the Musto School.
In his work, he uses drawing, painting, comics, and songwriting as platforms. His paintings frequently reference the universe of superheroes, the riverside landscape of his childhood, music, and fantasy cinema. His vibrant use of color composes dreamlike scenarios, showcasing his skill in drawing and his connection to music, songwriting, and guitar as a composer.
Among his solo exhibitions are: “Pasa que lo veo pero no está”, with Juan Hernández at El Club (Rosario, 2024); “La tragedia de la voluntad” at CRUDO (Rosario, 2023); “Explorar el azar. Arévalo / Costa” at Bon Scott (Rosario, 2022); “Ese hueco en el hielo” at CRUDO (Rosario, 2018); “Mi hermano indestructible” at Mal de Archivo (Rosario, 2016); and “Todo va a estar más o menos bien” at Embrujo (Rosario, 2015).
Among his group exhibitions are: “Un museo y un club. Normas de convivencia”, curated by Analía Solomonoff at the Museo Histórico Dr. Julio Marc (Rosario, 2024); in the “Gabinete” section curated by Rafael Cippolini at the Salón Nacional de Rosario at Museo Macro Rosario (Rosario, 2023); Salón de Mayo at the Museo Rosa Galisteo (Santa Fe, 2023); and “El cuerpo con letra entra”, curated by Manuel Quaranta at CRUDO (Rosario, 2021).
In 2020, he released his album “Material legendario”, launched in a physical edition as part of the collection “Serie maravillosa de energía universal” by Iván Rosado.
He has received several awards for his works, including an honorable mention at the LXIII Salón Nacional (Rosario, 2009); second prize in drawing at the LXXXVI Salón de Mayo at the Museo Rosa Galisteo (Santa Fe, 2009); honorable mention at the Salón Cordón Plateado (Rosario, 2007); honorable mention at the 5th Salón Diario La Capital (Rosario, 2006); and participation in the First Open-Air Sculpture Workshop coordinated by Enio Iommi at the Centro Cultural Bernardino Rivadavia, where his work was selected for public placement in the city (Rosario, 1994). Alongside CRUDO, he has participated in fairs in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Chaco, Rosario, Miami, and Santiago de Chile.
Together with Pauline Fondevilla, he founded Oficina 26 (Pasaje Pan, Rosario), a space for workshops, exhibitions, and events related to contemporary art. He currently has a studio and is part of El Club Rosario.