
Muestra | Ecualizar los planos para visualizar lo invisible | Alice Ricci

05 July
Sin título - Acrílico sobre tela - 65 x 55 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Sin título - Acrílico sobre tela - 65 x 55 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Referência de lugar - Acrílico y marcado sobre tela - 60 x 120 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Referência de lugar - Acrílico y marcado sobre tela - 60 x 120 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

mov.10 - Acrílico sobre tela - 17,5 x 24 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

mov.10 - Acrílico sobre tela - 17,5 x 24 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Sin titulo - Acrílico sobre tela - 30 x 20 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Sin titulo - Acrílico sobre tela - 30 x 20 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Sin titulo - Acrílico sobre tela - 80 x 40 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Sin titulo - Acrílico sobre tela - 80 x 40 cm. - 2024 - Alice Ricci

Ecualizar los planos para visualizar lo invisible
Alice Ricci

Courtesy of Mitre Galería (Brasil)

Brazilian artist Alice Ricci presents her first solo exhibition in Argentina, showcasing a series of paintings created between 2021 and 2024. The works stem from a process that began during her participation in an artistic residency at CRUDO in 2019.

Starting from drawings on paper, based on fragments of landscapes observed in the city of Rosario, the artist expanded this process into painting, through the observation and synthesis of various landscapes she inhabited or captured from Google Street View. In this transition from paper to canvas, the artist explored planes, color, and light, allowing her to construct imaginary landscapes that somewhat diverged from "reference landscapes."

Ricci balances color planes and tone transitions, overlaying small, detailed geometric drawings that suggest the beginning of an architectural construction. In this way, the artist invites the viewer on a visual journey, offering a moment of respite in the gaze, through colors close to white contrasted with fluorescent and saturated palettes in the small compositions.

Alice  Ricci
São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 1985 Lives and works in São Paulo

Alice Ricci, a visual artist from São Paulo, adopts a working process based on the observation of physical and virtual spaces and landscapes encountered in her travels. The visual compositions and formal arrangements resulting from these studies and movements give rise to her paintings, drawings, and installations.

Throughout her career, Ricci has participated in residencies, projects, and exhibitions in various locations. Recent highlights include: in 2024, "Clarabóia," a project created with artist Leka Mendes, curated by Tálisson Melo, at SODA, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; in 2023, participation in the Rogério Duarte Residency at Centro Cultural Veras, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, site-specific installation "Redesenho Suspenso no Espaço" from the PONTE Program at Projeto Fidalga, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, and participation in the group exhibition "Obra Xerox," curated by Suyan de Mattos, at the Museu de Arte de Brasília, DF, Brazil; in 2022, "Habitat Serrinha," curated by Fábio Delduque and Helena Huschel, at Parque Natural Arte Serrinha, Bragança Paulista, SP, Brazil; "Community in Lincoln: Contemporary Art and Social Processes," a group exhibition curated by Laura Khalloub, Paola Fabres, and Rodolfo Sala, at El Obrador, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the solo exhibition "Na Superfície Silenciosa das Formas," curated by RodriguezRemor, at OMA Galeria, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; and in 2021, participation in the artistic residency at 100 W Corsicana Artist & Writer Residency, Corsicana, Texas, USA, and the Mirante Xique-Xique Residency, Igatu, Chapada Diamantina, BA, Brazil, along with the solo exhibition "Justificativa para que as coisas flutuem," curated by Fabricia Jordão, at Espacio Cama / Mitre Galeria, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.