Fede Gloriani
1985, Pergamino, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
He works at the interdisciplinary crossroads between art, science, and technology. In many of his projects, there is an experimental use of communication technologies, especially those that are obsolete or becoming obsolete. Often, these elements are not presented as proper artworks but as processes, actions, or experiments. He has conducted pirate FM radio and over-the-air TV broadcasts, performed communication experiments with landline phones and telegraphs, and is currently researching some 19th-century electronic communication devices such as the Telehor and the Pantelégrafo. His work combines the application of the scientific method with poetic investigations.
Fede Gloriani graduated from the School of Fine Arts at the National University of Rosario. His specific training in technical areas (such as physics or electronics) came from private workshops, YouTube tutorials, and Lupín and Popular Mechanics magazines. From 2013 to 2018, he was part of the Espacio Lab team (an art, science, and technology program based at the Astronomical Complex of Rosario) and Sub Escuela (an independent, portable, and horizontal school). Both spaces were essential in his education and collective growth. He is currently part of the duo Campo Modulado, along with Neuquén artist Fabián Urban, with whom he explores issues related to soundscapes, wave modulation, and antenna construction. Together with Julia Levstein, he co-directs the América Elda Nancy art library and archive.
Among his solo exhibitions, the highlights are: SHARP at CRUDO (Rosario, 2022). Artificios de sistemas, curated by Carlos Stia at Crudo (Rosario, 2019). 546 kilómetros, telegraphic communications between Museo Taller Ferrowhite and Museo Estación Cultural Lucinda Larrosa (Ingeniero White, Buenos Aires Province, and Fernández Oro, Río Negro Province, 2018). Expediente Ricaldoni, mentored by Gab Gabelich and Mauro Guzmán at the Alianza Francesa (Rosario, 2019). 4.742.688, curated by Yuyo Gardiol and mentored by Jorge La Ferla, at the Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas (Rosario, 2017). Lamb Chop TV, at the Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas (Rosario, 2015).
Among his recent group exhibitions are: Lost in transmission, curated by Lole Remón at AVTO (Istanbul, 2019). Concurso de Arte y Tecnología 2018, organized by the National Arts Fund, at the Centro Cultural Kirchner (Buenos Aires, 2019). Do it, curated by Leandro Comba and Romina Castiñera, at the Centro Cultural Parque de España (Rosario, 2018). Artistas e investigadores en residencia, at the Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo – EAC (Montevideo, 2018). La imagen arde, as part of Byte Footage, the Latin American digital image festival, at the Centro Cultural Kirchner (Buenos Aires, 2018). Dislocaciones y desplazamientos, organized and curated by Barda del Desierto, at the National Museum of Fine Arts (Neuquén, 2018). Club Itinerante Internacional, as part of the collective Sub Escuela, alongside Escola Da Floresta and Intervalo Escola, at Ateliê 397 (São Paulo, 2017). El dilema de Nash, curated by Luciano Burba and Anibal Buede, at the Cabildo de Córdoba (Córdoba, 2017). Procedimiento Silencio, curated by Clarisa Appendino, at the OSDE Foundation Art Space (Rosario, 2016).